Thursday, January 20, 2011

PULL, in a Push World

HONESTLY, I have no reason nor excuse for not blogging for more than two months now. I contemplated on giving up adding anything new to this blog due to one very specific reason. But I was somehow inspired to write and post this piece of thought and information here. I just can't help it, so here goes...

There are basically two parts to this article:~
1. Why I almost gave up on blogging here?
2. Why I must continue blogging here?

I was utterly disappointed with some of my friends who had purchased and tried some of the Ramedicare Natural Herbal Products. A few of the people who were experiencing the effects - healing crisis - just gave up and stopped consuming the products. They halted taking the herbs due to some discomfort, pain and heatiness. I knew right away that they were going through the healing crisis.

If nothing happens, if they don't feel any difference after taking the herbs, then what's the point of trying them out in the first place? If there's no change, then, with just some common sense, we know that the products aren't working. Why are some people so afraid of a little pain, heat and discomfort? One of the reasons why they could feel the pain was due to some old injuries. The other reason is probably that they think they love themselves by avoiding discomfort; but on the contrary. 

Perhaps I should have tried to explain to these people on the crisis in healing that they were starting to experience. But I didn't. I just listened and agreed to what they were telling me. There was no point in trying to argue and be right in situations like that. For goodness sake! These friends of mine are adults who are able to think, choose and make up their own minds without me trying to persuade and re-sell them the herbal products. I wasn't going to push to them what they had already decided not good and pain causing. I wouldn't want to cause them more pain, would I?


I was driving one day and a thought whooshed into my mind. This happened last week. It dawned on me that in this world, especially in business, everyone is trying to push something to someone. Just take a look around, listen to people's conversations, listen to the radio advertisements, watch TV commercials, read the 'bad' news-paper and magazines, look at the billboards on builldings and road sides; it seems like everyone is trying to push and sell something, almost all of the time. Be it a product, a service or an idea. And so this phrase came about ~ PULL, in a Push World.

With a deeper analysis, it also occured to me that the idea of a Pull World is still in its infancy. It will take some time (How long? Beats me!) before this little idea manifests and takes to flight. I was once reminded never to underestimate small steps or beginnings.

It is not all gloom and doom after all. There are people and organisations out there which are already practising the pulling - attraction - factor.  By just saying so, I know you're probably triggered in your memory on the movie 'The Secret'. But I'm not here to promote the movie, though it's an awesome one. I'm here to promote myself and the Ramedicare products, if you haven't already noticed and choose to try some out.

Seeing things on a brighter side, there are a few of my friends who have already purchased their second and third round of the herbal products. These are friends whom I really appreciate and love. I know that they know that I won't be carrying any products or services that are not worthwhile. I am somewhat a fussy guy when it comes to certain things in life.

So the question now is... If the world transmutes from push to pull, will it cause an imbalance? What if people get lazy and just wait for things to happen? If a mother doesn't push, will the baby be born? Hmmm...

In my personal opinion, it would be more calm, quiet and peaceful in a pull world than a push world. There would be lesser hassles, sizzles and fights. People will respect each other more. People will learn to listen more attentively. The world is always in the process of trying to get 'that balance' of push and pull. In a sense, it is already balanced without the interference of human activities. Sometimes it is harder trying not to do anything than doing something, or all things and always on the go. Sometimes it is much harder doing nothing. For is not doing nothing, doing something? 

The mother only pushes when it's time for the baby to come out. So does the baby have to push and pull? No. (S)he just waits there for the mother to push and the doctor to pull. What a brilliant way to come into the world! So who breaks the water pouch if not nature? Does nature push or pull? It just is.