Sunday, October 31, 2010

Drinking Tea, Living Life

I must admit that, so far, the best tea I've ever tasted is the Pentamax Herbal Tea. It is all natural and has no additives or colorings. How do I know? Very simple. I usually drink tea or coffee usng my super-sized mug, if the drink leaves a stain on the inside of my mug, I know it's usually colorings. But the Pantamax Herbal Tea leaves no trace of any stain. As such, I know that the ingredient is really of superior quality.

It's hard to describe the soothing taste of Pentamax Herbal Tea if you've not tried it yet. It leaves a 'kum kum' (in Hokkien dialect) after taste; unlike other ordinary teas which sometimes leave a bitter taste in your mouth.

It is said that there's a place in China where the people drink this herbal tea (gynostemma pentaphyllum) daily, and most of the people there live over a hundred years old. This tea is also known as anti-aging and longevity tea. Some call it the 'poor man's ginseng' as it has four times the quality found in ginseng!

On the contrary, I feel like a rich man everytime I drink my Pentamax Herbal Tea, on a daily basis, while listening to my relaxing music and looking at the scenic view outside my 13th floor balcony. I feel very grateful and blessed.

Some say, drinking tea is an art, I think that it is true. Just like life is also an art - the art of living - as I'm drinking my Pentamax Herbal Tea, I'm living my life. Or perhaps it is life living through me... Am I tasting the tea or is the tea tasting me? Mmm......  

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