Sunday, November 7, 2010

The World is My Therapy

SINCE time immemorial, man has been searching for the purpose and the meaning of life. Some have found the 'answer' and most are still caught up in the search. As for me, I believe and feel that we're all here, in this world, for different purposes, and ultimately end up at the 'same place'. The fact that I'm writing this is a form of therapy for me.

I sometimes become the therapist when I'm with certain people. I hear them out without much interruption, as what they are saying is important to them. Given a lot of space, most people will pour their heart out, some even have tears in their eyes. I constantly need to remind myself that all is in order and well, everyone has their own lessons to learn, including the person in front of me - crying.

On the other hand, I become the 'patient' most of the time when I'm with certain amazing people. The table turn around, I find that I'm the one doing the heart pouring and crying. I'm truly grateful with all the space and time given to me. Therapy doesn't have to inflict pain and cost a lot of money.  

I've come to realize many things of late. It seems like life is a series of events and one layer leads to a 'deeper layer'. Some layers unfold faster and easier than others. One of the easiest layers to unfold is the physical layer. The body is a great communication tool and a temple. If taken good care of, it will live a long life; but most of us forget, neglect and even abuse the body. Confession! I was of no exception!

Through some divinity twist and turn, these past two years have probably been the 'most interesting' time in my life so far. I could literally feel the change in my body and my mind. It was like going through puberty again for the second time. It was like being given a second chance, a chance to heal and deal with life. 

Nowadays, I take better care of my mind and body than before. It's easier said than done. But the effort is worth it. I'm loving myself more than before. When I'm in love with myself, I feel that the world is a much kinder and beautiful place, and the people seem to be kinder too. 

On the hindsight, I still do come across people who are not-loving themselves enough yet. It seems like these people get their priorities upside-down. They take better care of their externals such as cars and clothes rather than their internal, especially their bodies and mind. It's true that a healthy body comes with a healthy mind and a healthy mind constitutes a healthy body. The two are interrelated. 

Some people rather spend not just hundreds, but even thousands, to beautify their environment and look good for the neighbours and other people, but are not willing to spend a penny on health products. What irony! Do they know that health is wealth? Do they know that they are chasing money and losing their health? Do they know that they'll have to spend the money made to buy back their health later? Do they know that they need to love themselves first before others? Do you want me to go on?

If charity starts at home, then therapy starts with you and me. It's way easier to do physical therapy than psychological therapy. As I take care of one, the other takes care of itself naturally. I guess the pertinent question to ask is, "Is your world a tragedy or a therapy?" Perhaps tragedy occurs for therapy to follow. But I still believe in having my choices. I choose to make my world a therapy. How about you?

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