Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Crisis in Healing

THINGS will get worse before they get better... Sometimes when we're going through challenging times, it may seem hopeless and endless. The good news is that touch times don't last forever and so too, the flipside of it, good times also don't last forever. "Ain't life a roller coaster!"

I dare say that without exception, everyone goes through the roller coaster of life, be they rich or poor, healthy or ill; black, yellow or white. The sad and painful thing is that most of us expect life to be all rosy and hunky-dory. "Wouldn't it be totally boring if it were so?"

Reaching the human mid-life crisis in a few more years, I'm 'licensed' to say that I've seen some of life from my travels and interections with people. From the outlook, we may look very different, but internally, we are basically the same, having fear and sorrow, and craving for love and attention. It's sometimes sad to see how some people search for the positive things in life in the wrong places. 

I believe everything starts with the self. It's easy to write about this, thus I'm also one who sometimes forgets about this little profound wisdom. Whatever the circumstances and consequences, be it recovering from a financial downfall, a soured relationship, a betrayal, a broken-heart or ill-health, it only really boils down to oneself - the willingness or unwillingness to heal oneself.

Being in the health industry, promoting natural herbal products, I'm not surprised to learn that some people give up half-way while consuming certain detoxifying and healing products. Things like flu, fever, heatiness, sore-throat, fatique, tiredness are probably signs of a healing crisis. They are also signs that the product is working and taking effect. If there is no change in body chemistry and temperature, then it may mean that the product is not working. 

It only takes a split second to get a cut or bruise, and the healing of the cut or bruise may take weeks. Miracles do happen, and some miracles do take time. The same works for non-chemical, drug-free, herbal products. They may take a few weeks to a few months to have noticeable results. 

In a rat-race and fast-paced world of today, people are generally very impatient and want things to take effect immediately. Easy come, easy go. Some things lost may be re-gain, but some things lost may not be found again. To me, health is the utmost important thing in life, given good health, we automatically will have more time - longer and unhurried time to live this life. Given ill-health, the time we have will be limited.

Some say money can buy time. That's true. We pay highway tolls to save travelling time. Can money buy health? Sure it can. Money can be used to purchase cleaner, healthier, more nutritious food. The question is "Do you love your health and time more than money or vice-versa?"

A saying goes, "If you're not living, then you're dying." Nothing stays stagnant or neutral so to speak. Everything is made of energy and it fluctuates. Perhaps during a crisis, I may ask, "Are you healing, or ailing, or dying?"

BESIDE YOU sung by Simply Red

Noteworthy: Yet another awesome soundtrack from the motion picture 'What Dreams May Come' starring Robin Williams. It is a touching beautiful movie with amazing cinematography. I was instantly 'into' this song when I first heard it played at the beginning and ending of the movie. I love the music and lyrics, and I know you'll take a liking to it too. So turn up the volume and enjoy this song...  

We follow the river down into the stream
That's where my dream began
I left my worries to the people who stare
And dream without a care

That I'd always be beside you to watch the day and night
And we'd listen to the sunrise and feel its growing light
And peace will come inside, so quiet

Wherever we're going, I don’t know
For million years our love keeps growing
The mystery deepens day by day
But trust my love and hear me say

That I'll always be beside you to watch the day and night
And we'd listen to the sunrise and feel its growing light
And peace will come inside, so quiet

And peace will come inside, so quiet

Guess I'll always be beside you to watch the day and night
And we'd listen to the sunrise and feel its growing light
And peace will come inside, so quiet
Yes peace will come inside, so quiet

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The World is My Therapy

SINCE time immemorial, man has been searching for the purpose and the meaning of life. Some have found the 'answer' and most are still caught up in the search. As for me, I believe and feel that we're all here, in this world, for different purposes, and ultimately end up at the 'same place'. The fact that I'm writing this is a form of therapy for me.

I sometimes become the therapist when I'm with certain people. I hear them out without much interruption, as what they are saying is important to them. Given a lot of space, most people will pour their heart out, some even have tears in their eyes. I constantly need to remind myself that all is in order and well, everyone has their own lessons to learn, including the person in front of me - crying.

On the other hand, I become the 'patient' most of the time when I'm with certain amazing people. The table turn around, I find that I'm the one doing the heart pouring and crying. I'm truly grateful with all the space and time given to me. Therapy doesn't have to inflict pain and cost a lot of money.  

I've come to realize many things of late. It seems like life is a series of events and one layer leads to a 'deeper layer'. Some layers unfold faster and easier than others. One of the easiest layers to unfold is the physical layer. The body is a great communication tool and a temple. If taken good care of, it will live a long life; but most of us forget, neglect and even abuse the body. Confession! I was of no exception!

Through some divinity twist and turn, these past two years have probably been the 'most interesting' time in my life so far. I could literally feel the change in my body and my mind. It was like going through puberty again for the second time. It was like being given a second chance, a chance to heal and deal with life. 

Nowadays, I take better care of my mind and body than before. It's easier said than done. But the effort is worth it. I'm loving myself more than before. When I'm in love with myself, I feel that the world is a much kinder and beautiful place, and the people seem to be kinder too. 

On the hindsight, I still do come across people who are not-loving themselves enough yet. It seems like these people get their priorities upside-down. They take better care of their externals such as cars and clothes rather than their internal, especially their bodies and mind. It's true that a healthy body comes with a healthy mind and a healthy mind constitutes a healthy body. The two are interrelated. 

Some people rather spend not just hundreds, but even thousands, to beautify their environment and look good for the neighbours and other people, but are not willing to spend a penny on health products. What irony! Do they know that health is wealth? Do they know that they are chasing money and losing their health? Do they know that they'll have to spend the money made to buy back their health later? Do they know that they need to love themselves first before others? Do you want me to go on?

If charity starts at home, then therapy starts with you and me. It's way easier to do physical therapy than psychological therapy. As I take care of one, the other takes care of itself naturally. I guess the pertinent question to ask is, "Is your world a tragedy or a therapy?" Perhaps tragedy occurs for therapy to follow. But I still believe in having my choices. I choose to make my world a therapy. How about you?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

SOLO Herbal Wonder Tea ~ For Cleansing & Slimming

EXCESS fat in your body is bad for your health. It predisposes you to obesity-related diseases such as heart problems, hypertension, diabetes and a host of other ailments.

Pure and natural, SOLO Herbal Wonder Tea is an ancient, botanical blend of carefully selected leaves, roots, barks, seeds and spices from the rainforest herbs and trees of Asia. It assists in dissolving and eliminating undesirable fats from all parts of your body to ensure slimming, detoxification and general well-being.

It is an effective remedy for the cleansing of the colon, relieves constipation, enhancing the digestive processes of the stomach and maintaining a cholesterol-free circulatory system. It is naturally caffeine-free and free from drugs and preservatives.


How To Use?
Place one sachet in a cup of boiling water. Cover and steep for 2-5 minutes to your desired strength and taste. Make sure extract is well mixed with the water. Drink as a tea twice a day after lunch and dinner.

If You Are A First Time User
You may purge frequently the first few days as a positive sign of cleansing. Do not be alarmed. Simply decrease the concentration of the tea. You may want your tea less concentrated by having one sachet to 4 cups of boiling water. Gradually increase to full strength to suit your needs.

Practice A Balanced Lifestyle
Low calorie diet and a balanced lifestyle hasten the slimming effectiveness of SOLO Herbal Wonder Tea. A very low calorie diet would help you lose weight, that is predominantly fat loss. A balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables is encouraged. A regimen of regular and intensive exercise is recommended. A 20-minute walk three times a week would suffice to begin. Consider Yoga too.

Reduce Weight Slowly And Gradually
SOLO Herbal Wonder Tea helps you to reduce weight slowly and gradually. This is the most effective and safe way to kee
p the weight off permanently.

For Constipation And Sluggishness Of The Bowels
Waste products created from food consumed should be eliminated within 24 hours or less. Otherwise, they turn into a toxic and putrid waste that is
re-absorbed into the rest of our system. Many of today's serious ill-health conditions, ailments and various health problems often begin in the digestive and eliminative tracts of the human body.

SOLO Herbal Wonder Tea is an effective remedy for the cleansing of the colon. It provides you the gentle and natural relief that you need. When you take SOLO Tea at bedtime, it gently encourages the natural elimination processes of your body. This will bring you smooth, comfortable relief the next morning. SOLO Tea clears the body of waste matters and promotes the excretion of harmful, toxic substances which contribute to fatigue.

STOPiles ~ Relieves Piles Naturally

HAEMORRHOIDS (often known as Piles) or varicose veins of the anus and rectum are enlarged, bulging and engorged blood vessels located inside or outside the anus. These may be associated with pain, bleeding, itching and feeling as if a lump or bump is hanging down.

Symptoms include:~
  • Pain or ache around the anus and lower bowel (rectum), which can be really quite severe
  • There may be itching of the affected area
  • There may be bleeding from the back passage. This will be bright red blood, not usually mixed in with the motion, but often seen on the toilet paper
  • There is often a feeling of something coming down, or a bulge or lump at the anus

If a haemorrhoid at the outside of the anus gets a blood clot in it (thrombosed external pile) it leads to a particularly tender, hardish lump.

Haemorrhoids are very common. They are more common in countries where the diet has traditionally been more processed and low in fibre. The main contributory causes are those things that cause us to raise the pressure in the abdomen. This causes the blood vessels to swell and become engorged.

People most at risk of developing haemorrhoids are those who have more causes for raised abdominal pressure, such as those chronically straining with constipation, after or during pregnancy, overweight people and people with heavy lifting jobs.

STOPiles is the best and most potent natural herbal remedy available in a convenient caplet form for healing haemorrhoids. It is formulated to promote healthy rectal function and circulation. It relieves itching, swelling, pain and bleeding around the rectum quickly and effectively.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Amazing Herbal Medicated Plaster

AMAZING Herbal Medicated Plaster is used for all symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis, strained, tired or aching muscles, twisted limbs or tenderness, bruise, backache, shoulder ache, stiff shoulders, lumbago, sprained ankle, and tiredness due to vigorous body movement or excessive exercise.

It improves blood circulation to ease movement of limbs and joints and speedy relief of muscular and body aches and pains.

Use not more than 2 pieces a day. For maximum benefit, wash, clean and dry affected area before use.


- Fast pain relief that lasts for hours where it hurts
- Size of plaster fits perfectly on any part of the body
Can be trimmed to smaller pieces if desired- Not messy or greasy
- Adheres and removes easily
- High elasticity
- Ideal for vigorous exercise or movement
- Does not stain clothing

Ramedica Herbal Wonder Balm ~ The Gift of Relief

From Ancient China Comes the Gift of Relief...

RAMEDICA Herbal Wonder Balm is a true topical analgesic. When applied, it not only acts as a counter-irritant to provide comforting relief of aches and pains and other irritants, it also extends deep into the areas where it is intended to have its maximum effect and benefits.

Ramedica penetrates deeply into the muscles to soothe the aching and painful area, allowing it to heal naturally and painlessly.

Ramedica is a unique combination of essential botanical oils, botanical extracts and all natural ingredients. This unique, proprietary blending ensures that the individual ingredients are in synergy, immeasurably enhancing each ingredient's natural healing power. This creates a new synergistic formula which cannot be duplicated.

Ramedica Provides Relief for…  

Muscle & Joint Pains, Backaches, Arthritis, Rheumatism,    
Strains, Sprains, Minor Inflammations, Insect Bites, 
Skin Problems, Lumbago, Sciatica, Bursitis,    
Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel, Burnand Scalds,    
Headache, Bruises, Blisters, Sunburn, Mumps,
Swollen Glands, Stomach Ache, Colds & Congestion

It's easy to use with a pleasant aroma...

MyRESCUE ~ Keeping Your Bowel Moving Smoothly

CONSTIPATION is not natural! Being constipated is very dangerous because it is not an injury. Constipation comes on and builds slowly resulting in some form of digestive disease. Feeling heavy, sick, bloated and irritable are the initial symptoms. Hundreds of millions of people suffer from some form of digestive disease: constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticular disease (herniations of the colon), irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, crohn's disease.

Most people are hospitalized due to diseases of the digestive tract and colon than for any other group of disorders. Many other diseases that may not appear to have any connection with the digestive tract have actually been related by many doctors to functional bowel disorder. These include: Diabetes, Gall Stones, Kidney Stones, Gout, Hypertension, Varicose Veins, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Obesity.

Vibrant health begins with a strong digestive system working in harmony with all of its associated organs. When toxins build up in the intestines due to aging, health-damaging, disease-producing, beauty-killing, putrefying waste mass that overstays its welcome, the whole body is affected. MyRESCUE assists the digestive tract in breaking down and removing old mucoid and putrefactive fecal matter in the small and large intestines. It improves bowel transit time and works to re-educate the bowels and returns healthy peristaltic action to the colon.

MyRESCUE is formulated to detoxify the colon by:~

- Help bring the colon back to life by stimulating the colon muscle movement
- Encourage matter to move forward through the system
- Halting putrefaction
- Drawing old fecal matters off the colon walls and out of the bowel pockets
- Disinfecting
- Drawing out poisons and toxins
- Soothing and promoting the healing of the entire digestive tract
- Increase the flow of bile to help clean the gall bladder, bile ducts and liver
- Promote healthy and vibrant intestinal flora
- Destroying and expelling nutrient-draining worms and parasites
- Maintain regularity and long-term intestinal health
- Decrease straining
- Speeding up the transit time of feces through the large intestine

5 Excellent Results You Can Expect...

1. GENTLE CLEANSING RELIEF WITH NO CRAMPING – This is the hallmark of our proprietary MyRESCUE Formula. Expertly blended botanical ingredients ensure that relief is fast yet gentle. Forget any past bad experiences you've had with laxatives. The arrival of our natural formula is the dawn of a new day!

2. REDUCE WATER RETENTION AND BLOATING – When your bowels are not cleansed properly and regularly, the toxicity leeches into your bloodstream. Your body responds by increasing the level of water in your body to dilute the history. This is the reason why consuming high amounts of salt in your diet increases water retention. MyRESCUE formula reduces toxicity in your body which results in reduced water retention and elimination of the 'bloated feeling'.

3. INCREASE ENERGY – By reducing toxicity in your bloodstream, you are directly increasing the ability of each of your 100 trillion cells to efficiently metabolize energy. The result is a more energized feeling.

4. CLEARER AND MORE RADIANT COMPLEXION – Toxicity wreaks havoc on your complexion because your skin is attempting to release the toxicity (pimples, rashes, skin irritations) and the renewal rate of your skin cells has decreased which gives your complexion that 'dull appearance'. MyRESCUE helps your body to return to a state of cleanliness which helps it to heal itself.

5. HEALTHIER FEELING AND SHARPER THINKING – Your bowel is the primary waste elimination point of the body. When it is not functioning properly, the toxicity is reabsorbed into the bloodstream where it is carried to every other part of the body. It goes to your heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, eyes, and even your brains! When toxicity reaches those cells, it begins to break down the ability of each organ to do its job. A healthy bowel is critical to overall body health and clearer thinking.

More Products, More Choices

LIFE is basically filled with choices. In any situation, there are always choices that we can choose from. Not making a choice is also a choice in itself. Similarly, there are countless choices of health products in the market place; some better and more effective than others. But then again, that depends from individual to individual. What works for one may not work for another. Generally, all of us have similar mechanisms that make up our bodies; our bodies are similar but not the same.

So how do we know if a product will work for you or otherwise? The simple answer is... You just have to try it out yourself. Without trying new things, you can bet that nothing will change. But when you dare to try something new and different, then there's a posibility that things may change for you. Actions do really speak louder than words!  

I've personally tried most of the Ramedicare Natural Herbal Health Products that I'm promoting. The other products on the list that I'd like to elaborate on are MyRESCUE ~ Relieves Mild Constipation, SOLO Wonder Tea ~ For Cleansing and Slimming, STOPiles ~ Relieves Piles Naturally, AMAZING Herbal Medicated Plaster and Herbal Wonder BALM ~ The Gift of Relief.

If you pick up one end of a stick, you'll naturally pick up the other end too! Choices come with consequences; therefore, choosing products that really work for you is of utmost importance. In order to make the right choice, naturally you'll need more information. I'll be posting detailed descriptions on more of Ramedicare products available in the list.

Choose health now before illness chooses you...