Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Crisis in Healing

THINGS will get worse before they get better... Sometimes when we're going through challenging times, it may seem hopeless and endless. The good news is that touch times don't last forever and so too, the flipside of it, good times also don't last forever. "Ain't life a roller coaster!"

I dare say that without exception, everyone goes through the roller coaster of life, be they rich or poor, healthy or ill; black, yellow or white. The sad and painful thing is that most of us expect life to be all rosy and hunky-dory. "Wouldn't it be totally boring if it were so?"

Reaching the human mid-life crisis in a few more years, I'm 'licensed' to say that I've seen some of life from my travels and interections with people. From the outlook, we may look very different, but internally, we are basically the same, having fear and sorrow, and craving for love and attention. It's sometimes sad to see how some people search for the positive things in life in the wrong places. 

I believe everything starts with the self. It's easy to write about this, thus I'm also one who sometimes forgets about this little profound wisdom. Whatever the circumstances and consequences, be it recovering from a financial downfall, a soured relationship, a betrayal, a broken-heart or ill-health, it only really boils down to oneself - the willingness or unwillingness to heal oneself.

Being in the health industry, promoting natural herbal products, I'm not surprised to learn that some people give up half-way while consuming certain detoxifying and healing products. Things like flu, fever, heatiness, sore-throat, fatique, tiredness are probably signs of a healing crisis. They are also signs that the product is working and taking effect. If there is no change in body chemistry and temperature, then it may mean that the product is not working. 

It only takes a split second to get a cut or bruise, and the healing of the cut or bruise may take weeks. Miracles do happen, and some miracles do take time. The same works for non-chemical, drug-free, herbal products. They may take a few weeks to a few months to have noticeable results. 

In a rat-race and fast-paced world of today, people are generally very impatient and want things to take effect immediately. Easy come, easy go. Some things lost may be re-gain, but some things lost may not be found again. To me, health is the utmost important thing in life, given good health, we automatically will have more time - longer and unhurried time to live this life. Given ill-health, the time we have will be limited.

Some say money can buy time. That's true. We pay highway tolls to save travelling time. Can money buy health? Sure it can. Money can be used to purchase cleaner, healthier, more nutritious food. The question is "Do you love your health and time more than money or vice-versa?"

A saying goes, "If you're not living, then you're dying." Nothing stays stagnant or neutral so to speak. Everything is made of energy and it fluctuates. Perhaps during a crisis, I may ask, "Are you healing, or ailing, or dying?"

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