Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pentamax 'Super Grade' Herbal Tea ~ Anti-aging & Longevity

PENTAMAX Herbal Tea helps to boost your immune system, eliminate stress, slow down aging and enhance longevity, lower high blood pressure and cholesterol with 100% pure, highest grade natural 'Gynostemma Pentaphyllum' harvested from its native mountains in China.

Pentamax is a herb that belongs to the cucumber family. The Chinese called it 'Yangsen Cha' and it has been used in China as a vegetable and a tea for many centuries. This single herb has been shown to have positive, beneficial effects on hyperlipidemia (high blood fats), atherosclerosis, thrombosis (blood clots) and senility. It has a powerful ability to boost the immune system and restores balance to the body's nervous system.

However, one of the most exciting applications of Pentamax is its unique ability to block the body's conversion of sugar into stored fat, increase body fat metabolism, which brings about natural weight loss.

Pentamax helps to lower blood pressure; reduces triglycerides and assists the liver to effectively reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. In a fit liver, sugar and carbohydrates are sent directly to the muscles to be used as energy. In an unfit liver, sugar is converted to triglycerides and stored as fat. Pentamax dramatically inhibits the unfit body's tendency to store sugar as fat.

It contains more than 80 kinds of saponins and four times as many 'total saponins' as the legendary herb, ginseng. Pentamax is a food enchanced herb, and is safe for long-term, continuous use. No other single herb has been so thoroughly researched in China as Pentamax.

Pentamax does not contain any chemicals, additives, caffeine, artificial flavors or sweeteners.

Drinking Tea, Living Life

I must admit that, so far, the best tea I've ever tasted is the Pentamax Herbal Tea. It is all natural and has no additives or colorings. How do I know? Very simple. I usually drink tea or coffee usng my super-sized mug, if the drink leaves a stain on the inside of my mug, I know it's usually colorings. But the Pantamax Herbal Tea leaves no trace of any stain. As such, I know that the ingredient is really of superior quality.

It's hard to describe the soothing taste of Pentamax Herbal Tea if you've not tried it yet. It leaves a 'kum kum' (in Hokkien dialect) after taste; unlike other ordinary teas which sometimes leave a bitter taste in your mouth.

It is said that there's a place in China where the people drink this herbal tea (gynostemma pentaphyllum) daily, and most of the people there live over a hundred years old. This tea is also known as anti-aging and longevity tea. Some call it the 'poor man's ginseng' as it has four times the quality found in ginseng!

On the contrary, I feel like a rich man everytime I drink my Pentamax Herbal Tea, on a daily basis, while listening to my relaxing music and looking at the scenic view outside my 13th floor balcony. I feel very grateful and blessed.

Some say, drinking tea is an art, I think that it is true. Just like life is also an art - the art of living - as I'm drinking my Pentamax Herbal Tea, I'm living my life. Or perhaps it is life living through me... Am I tasting the tea or is the tea tasting me? Mmm......  

Friday, October 29, 2010

SOLO Concentrate ~ For Slimming & Cleansing

SOLO Concentrate is formulated from a blend of 100% pure herbs which provide a caffeine-free way to weight loss and cleansing without harsh laxatives. It helps to improve digestion and regulate metabolism through the natural stimulants found in the botanicals. Solo Concentrate is traditionally used as an aid for slimming, constipation and colon cleansing. It is gentle, effective and safe for long-term use.

Excess bodyweight and obesity arise as we age. They result in many ailments such as heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressure.

Frequently Asked Questions:~

1. Will I have diarrhea from taking Solo Concentrate?
Solo Concentrate contains herbs with mild laxative action to clear toxins and heatiness from the body. Some users may experience gentle bowel movement. Others may have a stronger reaction. This is normal. It is advisable to start with 1-3 tablets to allow the body to adapt to changes and adjust accordingly.

2. Can I take Solo Concentrate if I have problems with diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol?

Yes! Solo Concentrate contains herbs which are beneficial and non-harmful.

3. Can I take Solo Concentrate daily for a long period of time?
Solo Concentrate is a blend of natural herbs and contains no preservative, artificial colors or flavors. If taken regularly, it nourishes the body, helps to accelerate 'internal cleansing', removes toxins, reduces heatiness and clarifies the complexion. After you've achieved your desired weight, continue taking Solo Concentrate to help stay in shape.

4. Can pregnant women take Solo Concentrate?
Pregnant women as well as lactating mothers are not encouraged to take Solo Concentrate as it has mild laxative effect.

5. Anything else I should know?
Solo Concentrate is a traditional medicine. If you have intestinal ailments, consult your physician first. Keep out of reach of children.

SOLO makes me feel hollow

IT was only about three months ago that I became curious about the other herbal products produced by my Dharma teacher's factory. I've been taking the Spirulina for more than a year and it definitely is working well for me. I had seen the SOLO on display before but was never really interested to know more details about it. For a person like me who considers himself healthy and only a little overweight, why bother about the other products?

My curiosity on the SOLO was much enhanced when it was packed wrongly by a staff, for I actually ordered a dozen of Spirulina. She told me that the SOLO was very good too. I asked what was the use of SOLO and was told that it was used to clean the colon and for slimming. Perhaps that was a sign asking me to try out the SOLO Concentrate.

A couple of weeks later, I ordered my first dozen of SOLO with some slight hesitation and doubt; for I had not tried it before. Perhaps I should have bought one or two bottles instead of a dozen. Miraculously, after only consuming the second bottle, my doubt was completely eradicated.

When I first started taking the SOLO, my bowel movement was very much enhanced in the morning. I released a lot more stools than usual. What surprised me after a week taking the SOLO was that my stools smelled so bad that I was repulsed, thinking that I was actually storing those black stinky things in my body. I remember one day having a feeling of lightness and emptiness especially in the stomach after coming out of the toilet. I sure was glad I bought a dozen of the SOLO then.

I take five tablets of SOLO Concentrate almost every night now before bedtime, with lots of water, knowing full well what I eat today will come out tomorrow. If I have lighter lunch and dinner on a particular 'disciplined' day, I'll reduce my intake to three tablets at night. An overdose of SOLO would not kill you, you'll only go to the toilet more frequently. For me, taking only three tablets means going to the toilet once the next morning. Taking five tablets means going to the toilet 2-3 times the next morning. I do have a strong stomach!

Well, sitting or squatting on the porcelain bowl can be a great form of 'toilet training'. The time spent in there could be used to read, or to make phone calls and sms, or to meditate. Whichever suits and works for you! For I know the SOLO works for me, absolutely!

Afternote: In my next post, I'll be sharing with you on some of the other benefits of SOLO Concentrate and what's in the tablet.

THANK YOU Stars sung by Katie Melua

Noteworthy: I recently came across the name Katie Melua which was featured in the soundtrack of the movie 'Miss Potter' starring Renee Zellweger. I told myself after listening to and seeing gorgeous Katie Melua, "I've gotta get her songs and album!" And so I did. I bought two of her albums and 'THANK YOU Stars' is one of my favourite songs among many others. While you admire her angelic voice and beautiful face, do take a read at the lyrics. I know you'll appreciate and love them as I do. So enjoy the song... 

Some call it faith, some call it love
Some call it guidance from above
You are the reason we found love
So thank you stars

Some people think it's far away
Some know it's with them everyday
You are the reason we found love
So thank you stars

There are no winds that can blow it away on the air
When they try to blow it away
It’s when you know it will always be there

To some it's the strength to be apart
To some it's a feeling in the heart
And when you're out there on your own
It's the way back home

There are no winds that can blow it away on the air
When they try to blow it away
It's when you know it will always be there

Some call it faith, some call it love
Some call it guidance from above
You are the reason we found love

So thank you stars
So thank you stars
So thank you stars

Thursday, October 28, 2010

PURE Spirulina ~ Nature's Superfood

SPIRULINA is a species of seaweed belonging to the group of healthy spiral-shaped blue-green microalgae. It is the richest source of nutrition on earth, has the most uniform life form and already has a history on this planet of over 3.5 billion years. The molecular structure of a Blue-Green Spirulina cell is very simple. It contains no nucleus and its cell wall is soft. So, Blue-Green Spirulina is very easily digested and absorbed by the human body. It is universally regarded as a superior source of nourishment and the perfect food for people of all ages and lifestyles who want a whole food source of vitamins and other nutrients.

Spirulina has been described and accredited with many titles; among the many are 'the most perfect food of tomorrow'; in 1972 - 'super nutrient of the future'; in 1981 - 'one of the best sources of protein'; in 1989 - the sulfolipids contained in Spirulina are able to counter the onset of AIDS; in 2002 - Spirulina helps the body to produce cancer-fighting cells and to prevent the onset of cancer.

PURE Blue-Green Spirulina is a whole food cultivated naturally with no pesticides or herbicides. It is just like vegetable or fruit with a perfect natural nutritional balance. All the nutritional elements in spirulina are prepared by nature, and better digested, absorbed than their synthetic counterparts. There are many people who can benefit from spirulina, including athletes, people who work hard and long hours, people with low energy, people who do not eat enough green vegetables, weight watchers, and anyone who is concerned about wholesome nutrition. Since it contains high-quality proteins, which is a core substance of any life forms, and the constituent amino acids and therefore it is considered to be a holistic dietary supplement. A blue pigment called 'phycocyanin', which is specific to spirulina, evolved not only into chlorophyll-a, which is essential to plant photosynthesis, but also into the hemoglobin contained in the red blood cells.

The Benefits of PURE Blue-Green Spirulina:~

1. Supports Immune System...
It strengthens the body’s immune system, increasing resistance to cold and flu. PURE Blue-Green Spirulina is rich in protein and vitamins which work with the body’s lymph system, a network of organs including the tonsils and spleen, allowing for an increase in lymphocytes, used to fight bacteria and cancer cells. 

2. Boosts and Increases Energy...
It enables more oxygen to reach the muscles which means they can work longer, harder and faster than normal. Research shows that Spirulina is proven to reduce fatigue. By reducing the free radicals produced by the body system it slows the accumulation of lactic acid. PURE Blue-Green Spirulina boosts energy by providing your body with the nutrients it needs for peak performance.

3. Promotes Cellular Health...
Natural Beta Carotene is an antioxidant nutrient which helps maintain cellular health. PURE Blue-Green Spirulina has a high content of natural potent phytonutrients, the Beta Carotene in an antioxidant complex of ten carotenoids, the rare essential fatty acid GLA, sulfo-glycolipids and polysacchararides synergistically promoting health at multiple sites in the body. Its deep green color comes from its rainbow of natural pigments - chlorophyll (green), phycocyanin (blue) and carotenoids (orange) - that harvest the sun's energy.

4. Preventing Diabetes...
Promoted as a health food for diabetics, one of the inherent properties of PURE Blue-Green Spirulina is to reduce the body’s blood sugar level. When taken by a diabetic it can reduce the dependence upon insulin. The gamma linolenic acid (GLA), zinc and magnesium found in PURE Blue-Green Spirulina promote the production of natural insulin which prevents acidosis (characterized by excessive acids in bodily fluids) caused by diabetes. 

5. Maintains Healthy Cholesterol...

Scientific studies show Blue-Green Spirulina can contribute to healthy serum cholesterol levels.

6. Recovering from Radiation Exposure...
For individuals working with radioactive material, or for those recovering from chemotherapy, the polysaccharide carbohydrates and protein contained within PURE Blue-Green Spirulina serve to rebuild the immune system.

7. Staying Healthy Looking and Slim...
Just one serving (3 grams) of PURE Blue-Green Spirulina is equivalent to 3-4 servings of common vegetables a day in terms of antioxidants and phytonutrients. It has 60% all-vegetable protein and one of nature's best sources of vitamins, minerals and amino acids in a whole food. Easy-to-digest so nutrients are absorbed quickly.

One thing leads to another...

I'M one who rarely falls sick. Thanks to my good genes and a generally healthy body. I guess I have my parents to thank for that. I must say that I do take care of my body, for it is my temple and 'communication tool', by eating right, exercising once in a while, and by thinking right.

I was having flu mixed with a mild fever and coughs sometime in the middle of last year (July 2009). It was the flu season and unfortunately, I was one of the 'lucky' ones to have contracted it. I believe in natural healing, therefore do not go to a medical doctor if I could help it. I'm a non-believer in drugs and artificial chemicals! I tried a few traditional methods to heal myself like drinking lots of honey and lime juice, getting lots of sleep, working out a sweat and what-not. Somehow, the flu and coughs didn't want to go away. It actually lasted for more than a month!

I was at my dad's (godfather) house one day and I was coughing and the colour on my face wasn't rosy as usual. He asked what was wrong with me, and how come I was sick for so long. I told him I didn't know. Perhaps my body was on a detoxification program of its own (laughs). Or perhaps it was a healing crisis of some sort.

My dad told me to take home some sample Spirulina. I resisted at first, telling him that I knew and had tried Spirulina before and it was very expensive, especially the one sold by an MLM company in Malaysia. They claim to be number one in the world.

Anyhow, when my dad told me that the Spirulina came from our Dharma teacher's factory and it was given to him as sample, I changed my mind and accepted it. There was only a few capsules left in the bottle which wouldn't last too long.

Thinking that it wouldn't harm to just try the Spirulina out, I consistently consumed it for 3 days. Miraculously, I got well thereafter. I was surprised and impressed with the product! Perhaps it was my dad's good intention that helped. Perhaps it was because it came from our Dharma teacher's factory. Perhaps it was really the Spirulina itself. Many such thoughts and guesses went through my mind.

From thereon, I bought the same Spirulina by the dozen each time, and have been consuming it for more than a year now. All I can say is, "So far, so great..." It helps to regulate my metabolism and strengthen my immune system. I've been faithfully taking five capsules every morning before my coffee and breakfast. It's packed in a convenient small bottle which makes it really easy to carry when I travel. I make sure that I don't miss my nutrient superfood wherever I go.

Afternote: In my next post, I'll be sharing with you on some of the other benefits of Ramedicare Pure Spirulina and what's in the capsule.     

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What do you say after you said "Hello"?

EVERYTHING begins with the first breath, the first step, the first ray and the first word. It was 3 weeks ago when I said "Hello" to the world. There's something enchanting about a new venture. I don't know where it'll take me. I guess I must have wanted to be here, to do this. "Everywhere I go, here I am."

I'm one who doesn't believe in coincidences or accidents. I'm a believer in incidences or miracles. There's definitely no coincidence that you're reading this article at this very moment. Something must have brought you here. If you know me and I know you... "Hello there my friend." If you don't know me and I don't know you yet... "Welcome to my Blog my new friend."

I never know if one day we'll meet face to face, or if you'll end up trying out the natural herbal health products that I'm promoting. But it doesn't matter. The more important thing is that I turn strangers into friends. It only starts with a simple "Hello." This reminds me of the song by Lionel Richie.

When tomorrow comes, I'll tell you the story of how I got into this wonderful business. It was definitely no accident. And it started with just a simple age-old product called the Spirulina...