Thursday, October 28, 2010

One thing leads to another...

I'M one who rarely falls sick. Thanks to my good genes and a generally healthy body. I guess I have my parents to thank for that. I must say that I do take care of my body, for it is my temple and 'communication tool', by eating right, exercising once in a while, and by thinking right.

I was having flu mixed with a mild fever and coughs sometime in the middle of last year (July 2009). It was the flu season and unfortunately, I was one of the 'lucky' ones to have contracted it. I believe in natural healing, therefore do not go to a medical doctor if I could help it. I'm a non-believer in drugs and artificial chemicals! I tried a few traditional methods to heal myself like drinking lots of honey and lime juice, getting lots of sleep, working out a sweat and what-not. Somehow, the flu and coughs didn't want to go away. It actually lasted for more than a month!

I was at my dad's (godfather) house one day and I was coughing and the colour on my face wasn't rosy as usual. He asked what was wrong with me, and how come I was sick for so long. I told him I didn't know. Perhaps my body was on a detoxification program of its own (laughs). Or perhaps it was a healing crisis of some sort.

My dad told me to take home some sample Spirulina. I resisted at first, telling him that I knew and had tried Spirulina before and it was very expensive, especially the one sold by an MLM company in Malaysia. They claim to be number one in the world.

Anyhow, when my dad told me that the Spirulina came from our Dharma teacher's factory and it was given to him as sample, I changed my mind and accepted it. There was only a few capsules left in the bottle which wouldn't last too long.

Thinking that it wouldn't harm to just try the Spirulina out, I consistently consumed it for 3 days. Miraculously, I got well thereafter. I was surprised and impressed with the product! Perhaps it was my dad's good intention that helped. Perhaps it was because it came from our Dharma teacher's factory. Perhaps it was really the Spirulina itself. Many such thoughts and guesses went through my mind.

From thereon, I bought the same Spirulina by the dozen each time, and have been consuming it for more than a year now. All I can say is, "So far, so great..." It helps to regulate my metabolism and strengthen my immune system. I've been faithfully taking five capsules every morning before my coffee and breakfast. It's packed in a convenient small bottle which makes it really easy to carry when I travel. I make sure that I don't miss my nutrient superfood wherever I go.

Afternote: In my next post, I'll be sharing with you on some of the other benefits of Ramedicare Pure Spirulina and what's in the capsule.     

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